Your Guide To Banquet Table Sizes And Linens

Your Guide To Banquet Table Sizes And Linens

I am going to make this blog post very quick, simple, and to the point! Here is your cheat sheet on how many people can fit at each size of table comfortably and what size linen (floor length) to get for each table size! 

Table Seating at Different Banquet Table Sizes

There are traditionally three banquet table sizes. A four foot banquet table is often used as a sweetheart table. A six foot banquet table is not only used for guest tables but also your welcome table, gifts and cards table, dessert table, escort card table, and DJ table. Eight foot banquet tables are mainly used as guest tables. 

4′ = 4 people

6′ = 6 people

8′ = 8 people

Linens for Banquet Tables (floor length)

Important – don’t forget linens for all the ‘extra’ tables like your welcome table, gifts and cards table, dessert table, escort card table, and DJ table. 

4′ = 90X108″

6′ = 90X132″

8′ = 90X156″

Seating at Round Tables Per Size

Rounds are better used when you have a larger guest count, they take up less room than banquet tables. 

48″ = 6 people

60″ = 8 people

72″ = 10 people

Linens for Round Tables (floor length)

48″ = 108″

60″ = 120″

72″ = 132″

Important – don’t forget banquet tables and linens for all the ‘extra’ tables like your welcome table, gifts and cards table, dessert table, escort card table, and DJ table. You need these even if all your guest tables are round tables. 

Please keep in mind you don’t need to have the exact same number of people at each table, this is actually very unlikely. Also, it’s fun to miss match banquet tables and rounds allowing different center pieces and adding lots of texture to the space.

My favorite layout planning software is AllSeated, ask your venue if they have their dimensions in the program and go from there! 

Let’s chat layout! Send over an inquiry and we can see how I can help you! 

1600 1067 Emerald Engagements